MARCH 31, 2005


7:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:   Richard Gorden, Ellen Abelson

                   and Mark Mazur


1.  The Board reviewed and approved the minutes to their 3/17/05 meeting.


2.  The Board reviewed and then signed a letter to the Board of Selectmen explaining

     the increase in our estimate of what we will release from the overlay accounts in the

     Spring of 2005.


3.  The Board read a letter from the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) asking

      for our support to close a loophole in personal property assessment law.


4.  The Board reviewed and approved as amended a letter to the Board of Selectmen

     concerning the personal property assessment loophole discussed in the MMA letter.

     The Board then signed the letter to the Selectmen.


5.  The Board of Assessors discussed an estimate for how much tax money will be

     generated by the Supplemental Tax Assessment on New Construction.  The Board

     decided to estimate that $40,000 will be generated by the Supplemental Tax Assess-

     ment on New Construction.  The Board then approved, as amended, a letter to the

     Selectmen with our estimate.


6.  The Board read a letter from Town Counsel approving our contract with Dave Cabral

     for building permit assistance.  The Board then signed four copies of the contract.


7.  The Board read a notice informing us that an appeal of an Appellate Tax Board

     decision has been filed with the Appeals Court.  The Board directed the

     Administrative Assessor to call the court to figure out how we should respond.


8.  The Board reviewed a letter to our personal property contractor G & K Associates

     asking them to represent us in a pending personal property Appellate Tax Board



9.  The Board opened the data collection price proposal.  After discussing the matter, the

     Board decided that it would be in the best interest of the Town to reject the proposal

     for the townwide data re-inspection project.  The proposal was rejected because it

     was too high and because it was the only one we received.  We will re-bid the

     proposal as soon as possible.


10. The Board took the following actions on the applications for personal exemption

      for the owners of the following properties:

           PIN 094002000            clause 41C       granted

           PIN 052016000            clause 18          granted

           PIN 081040000            clause 18          denied


8:35 P.M.  Adjourned